In the moment of truth, as we fight for our lives, we discover what we experienced in the past: We are alone. Except that this time we can protect ourselves and teach the world about good and evil.
"In a joint article in the Daily Telegraph, Truss and Lapid said the agreement amounted to “a new strategic plan for the next decade spanning cyber, tech, trade and defense,” while the two countries would “work night and day to prevent the Iranian regime from ever becoming a nuclear power"
Obama's new book is replete with falsehoods, lies, and omissions about Israel. In fact it is a printed proof of his hate to Israel as it manifested itself through his presidency.
Here is a letter to the book's publishers from the leaders of ZOA, citing all the lies and requesting to correct them.
This is a must read for all those who are not familiar with the lies and the truths about them. Please send this to your lists.
In this letter you will find a list of 15 lies and their corrections.
The hate expressed against President Trump by Jews in America and in the Israeli media is without precedent. Israel radio had a shameful interview with an old American Jew who said that President Trump reminded him of Mussolini and Hitler. That interview was aired repeatedly over two days.
In all the years (19) of my commenting about bias in the media and outrageous manifestations by the left, I cannot remember such outpour of hate and vicious accusations.
Using the language of the left, I can say without hesitation: American Jews who vote for the Democratic Party the way it is today, are traitors to their Jewishness and outright cowards. Instead of supporting Trump the amazing defender of Jews and Israel, a majority of them support a party that remains silent in face of members within it who are vicious enemies of Israel and Jews everywhere.
Here is an article by Melanie Phillips on the subject.
Those of you who still need a history lesson about Israel, here you have one, and it's a superb lesson.
Please read it and make sure you send it to all your contacts.
"Imagine a group of people who work to destroy Italy because, they claim, Italy’s origins are illegitimate. Imagine further that these people maintain that of all the countries in the world, only Italy is illegitimate. And then imagine that these people vigorously deny they are in any way anti-Italian. Would you believe them? Or would you dismiss their argument as not only dishonest but absurd?"
"Substitute “Israel” for “Italy” and “Jew” for “Italian” and you’ll understand the dishonesty and absurdity of the argument that one can be anti-Zionist but not anti-Semitic."
People don’t understand that the demonization of Israel isn’t merely “criticism.” Nor do they understand that antisemitism isn’t just an expression of dislike or hatred. Both are instead a particular form of derangement – a repudiation of reason and the replacement of truth by paranoid and malevolent lies.
Whereas the Holocaust Memorial Museum was rightly excoriated for its willingness to have its institution hijacked for narrow partisan ends that distort the historical record, media reports of the Stanford pseudo-study have been respectful. This is deeply troubling. So long as institutions pay no price for the exploitation of their name by agenda- driven members, they will not rein in their members. And over time, the American public’s faith in its national institutions will continue to diminish, to the detriment of the US as a whole.
"Professor" Virginia Tilley of SIU is one of the three anti-Semites responsible for the anti-Israel UN Report which was nixed by UN Sec. General Antonio Guterres after pressure from Amb. Nikki Haley. Meanwhile one of the three, an Arab UN Under Secretary Rima Khalaf, resigned. May there be many!
Here is my letter to Virginia Tilley on which I also copied the entire faculty and Dean of ISU.
Do not tell me you do not see the difference between Trump's Administration and Obama's with his hostile powerless Samantha Power.