The equivocation of Biden, Harris and other leaders should cause us all to feel a degree of shame.
As Israelis solemnly mark a year since Oct. 7, we should not only redouble our expressions of sympathy and solidarity. We should show them our gratitude, and if we are willing to be really honest, acknowledge a little of our own shame.
Recognizing Jordan as a Palestinian state, while maintaining its status as a monarchy, reflects the national identity of a majority of its population.
It is a complete mystery and a major enigma to me why could some Jews vote for this useless far left radical anti-Israel candidate who could not even articulate her own "policies" and flip flopped every few days, in accordance with the dictates of anti-Israel Obama and some Hollywood celebrities
By unleashing war in the Middle East and targeting Israel, Iran may soon learn that Israel, or America, or both might retaliate for a half-century of its terrorist aggression.
In the moment of truth, as we fight for our lives, we discover what we experienced in the past: We are alone. Except that this time we can protect ourselves and teach the world about good and evil.
Next week marks the 30th anniversary of the signing of the Oslo Accords, one of the most colossal strategic errors in modern Israel’s history.
The Oslo Accord assessed the Palestinian issue via Western lenses, sacrificing Middle East reality on the altar of wishful thinking, which dooms the pursuit of peace and fuels terrorism.
דברי שופטי העליון היום במסגרת הדיון בחוק הנבצרות, לפיהם גם חוקי יסוד כפופים לביקורת בית המשפט, הביאו אותי למסקנה שהדמוקרטיה מתה, תהא אשר תהא תוצאת הדיון.
The anti-settlement argument may not have a broad moral appeal, which is why authors like Berman seek to cast it as an incidental application of neutral rules, applicable around the world. Yet he fails to mention where else these rules are applied, because the answer is nowhere.
A response to Nathaniel Berman