The Palestinian Authority (PA) has let it be known that its 86-year old leader, Mahmoud Abbas, is prepared to talk to Israel’s caretaker Prime Minister, Yair Lapid, about a “diplomatic horizon” for the Palestinians. No doubt this is prompted by the planned visit of US President Joe Biden to Israel and the PA next week.
That would be a terrible idea.
The 1993 Oslo Accord proved itself the biggest political blunder in Israel's history.
The new Lapid-Bennet-Gantz-Mansour Abbas government continues to keep Oslo alive despite 28 years of calamities that resulted from it.
The Netanyahu initiated Abraham Peace Accords prove beyond shadow of a doubt that peace with Arab countries does not depend on Israeli concessions to the terrorist organizations of Fatah and Hamas. Yet, the current Israeli government ignores this pivotal proof.
Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres were able to push ahead with the Oslo Accords because the media and the legal fraternity supported their efforts to demonize its opponents, portraying Zionists as "enemies of peace."
Here is Caroline Glick's important article on the subject.
PASSOVER, this centuries old amazing celebration of freedom and renewal, must include in it REAL FREEDOM, freedom from the delusions of Middle East peace.
Here is an article to remind us just that from the inimitable Dr. Mordechai Kedar. Please read the entire article, replete with historical facts, then ponder whether the delusion of peace did not grip you as well.
Happy Passover to all of you, Jews and non-Jews alike.
"The peace movements turned Israel's image into that of a weak and soft defeatist country, the exact opposite of the kind of country that achieves peace in the Middle East. In the violent and radical region where Israel is trying to survive, anyone considered weak gets kicked, you know exactly where, and is sent to hell in the best case, or butchered and beheaded as a matter of course.
In the Middle East, peace means that your enemies leave you alone because you are too strong, threatening and dangerous to start up with. In the Middle East only the unvanquished obtain peace.
Anyone who does not accept these facts, who is not ready for "blood, sweat and tears," he who impatiently demands "Peace Now" does not belong in the Middle East. Here, we have room only for the brave, the strong, the steadfast and those who believe in the justice of their cause. Anyone who lacks those traits can find a suitable home somewhere else, where life is peaceful, quiet, prosperous and blooming. May we suggest Paris, Brussels, Madrid, Boston or San Bernardino….
Kosher and happy Passover wishes to all the Children of Israel!"
The peace negotiation process as set out in the Oslo Accords was intended to lead to peace between Israel and the Palestinian People and mutual recognition of each other’s "mutual legitimate and political rights" (Preamble, Oslo I and Oslo II)
Unlike then-Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, Rabin's longtime nemesis, Rabin was not so much a peacenik as a leader who had been beaten down by the beautiful people and international pressure. His response was to drink the Kool-Aid and go for the Nobel Prize. The only thing that must have put a damper on his pact with the devil was to have to share this Holy Grail with Peres and Arafat, to whom he also had an aversion.
Rather than acknowledging that Netanyahu has served more terms as prime minister than any other Israeli politician precisely because the electorate keeps being mugged by the reality that no Palestinian leader will accept the Jewish state, the peace camp directs its vitriol at Israeli realists.
Instead of waking up to the fact that Rabin was wrong -- and that the repercussions of the Oslo process continue to drip blood -- they hold on to his "legacy" for dear life. When fewer people turn up at rallies on his behalf, the Left says that Amir not only killed Rabin but also slaughtered the "peace process," and that the Right has prevailed.
Funny how they never fault the actual killers of the possibility for peace.